
I began the piece below as a collage using cutouts from a broad selection of national daily newspapers on a single day.   I then cut up the large collaged piece and made screen prints.  It was an experimental process while examining our relationship to the news and how newsworthy stories are written up differently and delivered to the readers.

News feed‘ –  screen print on 3 rice paper scrolls. 2m x 1.5m



More exploration, 2d to 3d. I have been exploring the shadow for some time now.  Usually through photography.  Taking a shodow photo, I screen printed it onto layers of glass, which I then painted fine lines of black ink marks onto.  The layered glass prints are held in place on wood.

‘Shadow’ – Screen print and ink mark making on glass panels on wooden plinth.

Version 2

After visiting a scrap yard full of vehicle wreckage I made several screen prints (two of which are below).   Also a large glass sculpture titled ‘spirits rising’ (see sculpture menu).


Above: ‘Car crash‘ various experimental printing and layering techniques on silver card.  Referencing Marilyn Monroe.  60 x 45cm 



‘Car parts’ – layered screen print on card 91 x 60cm